Mystery called Life

Last few days I have been wondering what do I want out of life? What does life have in store for me? What’s my purpose? Well guess what… I have only one thing to say! I don’t know and I really don’t want to think about it. I just want to soak in each day as it comes. Savour the taste of it. Each day is different, some very slow and harmonious and some days are like a roller-coaster ride.. Just want to process that, understand the little moments and not worry about the bigger picture. I truly believe that if you take each day as it comes and follow your instincts, the bigger picture emerges on its own… It shapes up in its own beautiful, but sometimes heart wrenching way. You just need to step back and wait for the curtains to go up and reveal what awaits you… Its a game of patience.

I don’t mean that you should not plan for the future or not have any aim in life but…”uss zindagi mein kya mazaa jisme kucch raaz na chhupe ho” (life is no fun without some mystery). There is only one thing to do when it gets too confusing…take a break, a couple of days off…. travel some place (doesn’t have to be an exotic destination!). Just unwind..and follow your heart…your instincts….and trust your decisions. You will be fine…go on try it…live each day, take it easy, don’t be hard on yourself. You don’t deserve that… You have to be nice to yourself❤️
